Why play croquet?

Croquet can be played at any age

Like any game it’s best to start young, but many players take it up after retiring from more energetic pursuits. Any effects of age are countered by increased skill and greater tactical awareness, so you can retain a good standard for many years.


Croquet does not require you to be especially fit

Having said this, some strokes are an effort on a heavy lawn. You will also walk a considerable distance in the course of a full day’s play, so it’s ideal light exercise in the fresh air.


Croquet keeps your brain active

Playing croquet requires more thought than action, and the chances of success or failure must be assessed before any shot is played. It is also necessary to plan ahead and consider your opponent’s strengths and weaknesses.


Croquet is sociable

This is particularly so of golf croquet, where all the players are on the lawn at once. Croquet is a game where men and women play on equal terms, and if you start playing in tournaments you will quickly discover that croquet has a friendly community of its own. It would also be fair to say that most croquet clubs are less bound by petty rules than the average golf club!


Croquet is not expensive

If you join a club the only other things you might eventually need to buy are a mallet, waterproofs, and, if you play in tournaments and matches, a set of whites.


Croquet is a fair contest

There is a handicap system which allows a beginner to play against an expert with a fair chance of success. It also allows the beginner to observe and learn from the technique and tactics of better players.


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